How To Have A Great Day

Even the best makeup cannot compensate for the charm on a genuinely happy face.

Hence, this post is for people who have a poker face on autopilot or who are sad but want to put efforts into becoming happy.


When you get up every morning, look into the mirror and smile. Say that you love yourself. It sometimes will seem so difficult, but do it. Deliberate smile too has been proven to uplift your mood.

Feel Grateful

As you get ready for the day, start making a mental list of all the things you have and feel grateful. Gratitude boosts up positivity and gives you the right attitude to face challenges.

Be Kind

You could exchange smiles with a random stranger, or help someone even if in the smallest possible way, or give somebody a genuine compliment.

Do Something You Would Love To

This could be absolutely anything you love doing .. except comfort eating! Even if you are able to manage to find just half an hour, buy some time for yourself. It will be worth the satisfaction. Alternatively, you could join a class and learn something new. πŸ˜€ That will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and purpose.

Exercise / Meditate /Yoga

You could alternate between these and try to do any of these for at least 3 days in a week. If you are new to meditating, you could use guided meditations on YouTube or download Headspace. For those who are running short of time, these apps have meditations for as short as 2 minutes which are effective in calming down.

Spend Time In Nature

If you have a beautiful garden or a beach somewhere nearby, You are Blessed!! For everyone else, planning a visit perhaps once in a week would still be great! Having some leisure time in nature is a great way to feel good about everything around you.

These ideas will work when you work them. So choose happiness πŸ™‚

87 thoughts on “How To Have A Great Day

      1. πŸ™‚ btw your sketches are wonderful.. i too make sketches (very rarely though).. Thinking of featuring one or two of them in future posts…

        Liked by 1 person

      1. The subconscious mind often creates such illusions when the first few and last few alphabets are similar to a familiar word it already knows πŸ™‚


  1. What a wonderful prescription for having a positive and productive day. I know meditation brings harmony to my body and spirit, but I still find reasons not to do it. Am I a lost cause or can I be rediercted?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tanks for those wonderful words πŸ™‚ Of Course you can be redirected! Try starting with guided meditations or just short meditation like clips. You will be able to build a habbit in a few days.
      I have recently written a post which has the links to YouTube meditations which I found to be very effective. You might want to give them a try πŸ™‚

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  2. Reblogged this on GenevaFrYnspire and commented:
    Check this post out from Millie. There are some awesome ideas in here to lift you out of a funk, brighten your day, or simply to remind you to take some time to do something for yourself. YOU Matter. ALWAYS.

    Liked by 1 person

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