5 Things To Know Before You Consider Running For Losing Weight

Running seems to be the simplest and least expensive form of cardio for losing weight.

That makes it the most lucrative option to chose for a person who wants to shed those pounds in the shortest amount of time possible without burning holes in their stomach and pockets.

However, there is a substantially high risk of injury to the knees and even though running has a lot of benefits, there are a lot of things a person needs to know and take care of before they start to avoid any temporary or permanent damage to their body.

Invest In The Best Pair Of Running Shoes That You Afford

If you plan to run very frequently, invest in the best pair of shoes that you afford. The reason is simple. Your shoes determine the impact on your knees when you run. The lesser, the better.

Be Easy On Yourself

Some people want to become a pro at everything in the shortest span of time. Running should not be one of those things. Run only as long as you feel okay. Do not set extreme targets or your body will probably pay the price.

Do Not Run Everyday

Your body needs rest and that is absolutely okay. You will probably start loving it after you build some stamina, but don’t do it every day because that causes uninterrupted damage to your knees. Walk a little on some days instead. 🙂

Carry Your Sipper

Staying hydrated is very important when you are running. There will be times when you feel extremely thirsty after you have been running for a while, and not having immediate access to drinking water will feel like being tortured.

Keep Your Skin Moisturized

You may skip this one if you are okay with stretch marks.

For everybody else, use a moisturizer as often as your skin requires. Because running is going to help you lose weight quickly. But with that going well, you’ll have to deal with the collateral damage called stretch marks. Prevention is always better than cure.

When correctly done, running is an amazing way to lose weight. It might just become your next hobby because it feels so good.

The feeling of being able to run long distances is feels great! You never know you might end up finishing a marathon after you’ve been running for a while.

* Images are Royalty Free

57 thoughts on “5 Things To Know Before You Consider Running For Losing Weight

    1. I’ve done that too..! but I stopped running after i realized that my knees don’t feel so good and waited till i recovered.. Now i don’t run very often but my knees are fine..

      Give your legs some rest and they’ll heal eventually..

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙂 🙂 If your body aches already, I would suggest you to run less initially.. maybe 3 times a week and see if it doesn’t hurt more. Swimming too is an alternative.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t have the time to run now. But, I have a stationary bicycle that is next to my desk. I spend a lot of time peddling it and watching videos. I wish you well with your running.

        Liked by 3 people

  1. So true – especially the ‘shoes’ part. In the military, we often have to run in combat boots, and at age 43, I feel it the next day! When possible, I strap on my favorite brand of running shoes and find the run is 10x more enjoyable…well, not having a Drill Instructor yelling at you to run faster also makes it more fun! :O)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’m glad that you like the post. Thanks for sharing your experience.. military experiences are pretty rare to hear about.. which country? 🙂


  2. Hi Millie, I’m new here too. This post has inspired me want to start running again. I think, though, I will consider a longer warm up before setting out than I did when I first started running some timee ago so I wont risk another injury.

    Liked by 1 person

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